Saturday, May 19, 2007

Changed My Due Date...

...grudgingly!! I'm still convinced that my dates are accurate. After all, I got my positive pregnancy test (and a very faint one at that!) one day after my period was due. Anyway, the first lady I saw (Nurse Practitioner) calculated my due date as October 18th, based on the first day of my last period. That's actually not a very reliable method, but whatever (it assumes everyone has an identical 28-day cycle and ovulates on day 14... which I don't!). Then, the next Nurse Practitioner I saw (different lady) did an ultrasound, and said I was right on track and was due October 16th. Ok... Then at the Perinatal Center this week, the ultrasound tech said the same thing, and also told me that the early ultrasound was the most reliable thing to determine the actual due date. So, one of two things must have happened: either my dates are off by an entire WEEK (which I don't believe), or else the baby is measuring about a week ahead in terms of growth (which is entirely possible). At any rate, I've finally given in and updated the little ticker over on the right with the new due date. sigh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No worries. As long as he has his diapers and toys ready by the time he arrives, I'm sure he'll be happy.

It's a boy! boy boy boy!

5 weeks until the summer!