Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Halfway Point

Today I am 20 weeks pregnant, which means that I am officially halfway through this pregnancy! Woohoo!! It's hard to believe how quickly things have gone... and how quickly my belly is starting to expand! Just in the past few weeks, I've gone from looking slightly bloated/frumpy to definitely having a little pregnant belly. As a matter of fact, today a stranger (the checker at Albertson's) actually asked me how far along I was-- for the first time! So other people are starting to see it, too! Every day, I feel his little kicks and jumps more strongly, and today I got to hear his heartbeat again at my doctor's appointment. It really is a miracle. The Nurse Practitioner (who, by the way, rocks!) told me that every single measurement taken at my big ultrasound last week is just perfect, and that he has a really strong, healthy heartbeat. While we were listening to it today (using the Doppler), the little guy started kicking like crazy-- I was able to feel the kicks AND hear the movement, which was so weird!
Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that this part of pregnancy is really cool. I actually get to "look" pregnant, I get to feel the baby's movements, I get to see him on the ultrasound, and I'm past all that first trimester yuckiness. And in four-and-a-half months, I get to squeeze out a baby. I have a feeling it'll be here before we know it!

(P.S. Our changing table arrived today, and the crib will probably be here in a few weeks... So this kid already has furniture! CRAZY!)

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