Monday, May 21, 2007

Misc. Stuff...

Wow, what a productive weekend we had! On Saturday, something came over Gus, and he decided to go out and weed this one area of our front yard that desperately needed it (if you've been here before, it's the little strip along the bottom of the retaining wall that runs parallel to the side of the house). I'd been complaining about it for a while, and I thought we should just hire someone to rip out all the weeds. The strip itself is narrow, but it runs for at least 50 feet and was just overgrown with weeds. It was really bothering me!! Anyway, he spent the majority of the day out there, and got most of it cleared! He even had to make a trip to the dump, since we had nowhere to put the junk. I am really impressed. While he worked on that, I got some spring cleaning done inside the house, did the grocery shopping, and put my new license plates on my car (woohoo!). I still can't believe he pulled all those weeds.

Yesterday, I figured he'd want to sit on his butt and watch tv all day, since he worked so hard the day before... Instead, we went to our local nursery and picked out some nice plants for the small strip in front of the house (where the bushes used to be- he ripped them out a while ago). He planted them and laid down mulch, and I fixed up the drip system so they'd get enough water (I am the resident sprinkler expert around these parts). When I wasn't outside, I was giving our bedroom a makeover. Gus had been complaining about our overabundance of white pillows (with our white duvet, it was just too much white), and I didn't like the wall art we had up on my side of the bed. Anyway, I spent a grand total of about $22, and I have to admit that I am really proud of myself!

I got the two mocha-colored pillow shams using a gift card (so free for me!), I made the chocolate-colored pillow cover out of some silk I bought and a pillow we already had, and I bought the wall shelf for $16 at HomeGoods (I already had the glass votives). Hooray!! I don't have a great "before" picture, but this is definitely an improvement! YIPPEE!

So, that was our weekend... Today was not nearly as interesting, though my coworker sent me this funny email. I started the day really grumpy with my class, since it's the end of the year and they are acting like it (translation: they are turning from nice, sweet 5th-graders into rude pre-teens... lovely!). Now, I'm just waiting for Gus to call and update me on our dinner plans, since today is his name day (it's a Greek thing!) and his parents are in town. I hope he calls soon, because the baby and I are starving!


Anonymous said...

Please tell Gus Xronia Polla!

Anonymous said...

Theo, you are such a good Greek! :)