Saturday, May 12, 2007


I tried something new today! Kori convinced me to go with her to this prenatal yoga class at a small studio in town, and I did! You have to understand... Not only have I never done yoga before in my LIFE, but I have also never gone to any sort of group-exercise-type-class. Seriously. So this was a huge deal! Anyway, it was actually pretty nice, and I think I did well (for a novice). I'm pretty flexible, but my balance isn't too great. The poses I had the most trouble with were Triangle pose, Warrior I pose, and King Dancer pose. With King Dancer, the instructor actually had us partner up and use our partners for stability-- haha, right! Kori and I were wobbling all over the place (oh, and giggling... did I mention that?). The instructor finally had to come over and hold onto us so we wouldn't fall down. :P We ended the session with like 10 minutes in the Goddess pose, and I was so comfortable I could've easily fallen asleep. The best part of the entire class was when the instructor came around and massaged our heads and necks while we were lying there. I think I'd consider going again just for that!

Anyway, I wanted to share, because I was proud of myself for getting out of my little box and trying something new. It was a little on the touchy-feely side (she went on and on about the goddesses we all are, how we are bringing forth sacred new life, etc.). It was hard to keep from giggling at certain points. Beyond that, though, it was very relaxing and the stretching felt pretty good. I think I might just go there again! :)

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