Sunday, November 8, 2009

Short Stories


Sadly, Black Fishy passed away earlier this week. Instead of just replacing him, Gus and I thought it would be better if we purchased an actual tank to replace the fishbowl, thinking that a lack of proper oxygenation might be the culprit. And I didn't want to set up a new tank AND introduce a new fish at the same time.

Anyhow, Nikos came home from daycare that day, and immediately asked to see his fishies. And he quickly noticed Black Fishy's absence, and inquired about it. What did I say to my little two-year-old? "He's working." It was the first thing that popped into my head!

He seemed to accept that without problem. After all, Mommy and Daddy go to work, so why not Black Fishy?

Black Fishy #2 was in the tank when he came home the next day. All is right in the world! And they are really liking their new home, too.


Today was Nikos' second soccer class, and it went better than last week! There were still some tears, mostly when it was circle time and he did not want to sit down (he wanted to run laps back and forth across the field... could we have a distance runner here??). But overall, it went better. He played Red Light, Green Light, he played with cones, he kicked the ball a few times, and participated in the group cheer at the end. He still didn't want to play with the parachute, but he got a little closer to it, at least!


I didn't really post about it, but our littly lady was pretty sick last weekend-- to the point where I thought it could be H1N1 and spent 40 minutes on hold with the Pediatric Nurse Advice hotline. She was horribly congested, had a fever, wasn't eating a ton, and basically just whimpered most of the day. Sunday (her half-birthday!) was the worst. Gus actually stayed home with her on Monday, and took her in to see our pediatrician. Luckily, she was already acting better by then, and the doctor said that it wasn't H1N1 and that we just needed to let it run its course. And I'm happy to say that she seems to be back to 100% now-- hooray!

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