Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Christmas Shopping: Done!

Today was Veteran's Day, which meant that both Gus and I had the day off of work (yay!). We elected, however, to send the kids to daycare so that we would have time to get all sorts of things done that would have been very difficult with them around. And my task of choice was Christmas shopping for the kids!

I have to say, it was incredibly fun to spend hours and hours wandering through various stores, buying lots of goodies for the two kids I love more than life itself. And I am so proud of my haul! I had been making lists for the past week or so, coming up with ideas for both kids, researching good deals, etc. I also realized that I had $33 in credit at one store, and a $25 gift card to another. Combined with a $100 AmEx gift card we recently rediscovered, I ended up spending very little money and getting quite a bit!

A few highlights from my expedition:
  • Target's dollar bins. I always peek to see what's in them, but they had some great stuff in them today! I bought a bunch of books, as well as 4 wooden cars and a wooden airplane for Nikos. They will go great with the next gift I got him...
  • Which brings me to Home Depot. I went in there to buy Nikos a rug that has roads on it, for his cars and whatnot. But instead of ringing up as a $20 item, the computer said that it was $0.01. Yes, a penny. I told the cashier that wasn't right, and she knew it couldn't be right... But she let me have it! I guess she just didn't want to deal with it. But that was nearly a 100% discount!
  • At another store, I went in looking for clothing. I walked out with quite a few great books and a high-quality wooden puzzle that were deeply discounted but in perfect condition! Score!

I also bought Christmas outfits for both kids, and a Thanksgiving outfit for Maya that was only $3! And I capped off the shopping trip by buying a new artificial Christmas tree to replace our old one. It's 7.5 feet tall and looks great-- I'm so excited to put it up!

At any rate... Can you tell I'm ready for Christmas? And only a few more weeks until Thanksgiving, too! I just have to get through parent-teacher conferences, and then it will be here. Hooray!! :)

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