Dear Maya,
Today, you are three months old. One-quarter of a year, if you can believe that! The past month has been absolutely incredible-- as well as incredibly fast. I know I always seem to come back to the fact that you are growing up so quickly, but it's true! I feel like I can't look away for a second, or you'll be heading off to college when I look back. Time seems to fly by faster the older I get and, as a result, you seem to be growing so much more quickly than your brother. Stop it, already! Well okay, don't stop. But if you could slow down jus a tad, that would be great!
I feel like this month you've officially switched from "newborn" to "infant" status. You are very alert, and love to soak in your surroundings and track various objects. And if one of those objects happens to be a face, you are ALL smiles! I swear, you are just the smiliest baby girl. It doesn't take much to get you to give a big gummy grin these days. Your "most-smiley" times are when we change your diaper (you love staring at us from the changing table) or when I sing songs with you and "dance" your arms around. Your brother likes that too, by the way, and usually says "Again! Again!"
Speaking of your brother... Your best smiles are often reserved for him. He seems to completely fascinate you! If he walks by wherever you are sitting, you will follow him intently-- even craning your neck if you have to-- to see what he is up to. You love when he dances around the living room or just acts silly in front of you. You were also full of smiles when you recently met your first "other baby." Maybe it's because you are accustomed to seeing so many adults, but you are simply enthralled by other "little people." You think they are the greatest!
In addition to smiling, you've also started to really "talk" to us. You coo and gurgle and squeal, and you look like you are on the verge of laughing any day now (you do making some coughing noises when you're really happy that might be considered chuckles). And the other morning, after I had nursed you and you were drifting back off to sleep, you very clearly said "moe." Now, I know that's not a word, but it was such a surprising sound to come out of you! It gave me a little sneak preview of what your real voice will sound like, and it was a lot like your brother's! It was utterly adorable! And, for the record, your first word should be "mommy," since you're already partway there. Just sayin'. :)
On another, less thrilling note, this month also marked your first illness, and it was a doozy. Roseola absolutely wrecked you for a few days... your nighttime sleep routine was shattered, you napped constantly, and you whimpered when you were awake. But once you felt better, you bounced right back. Let's hope that this is your last illness for a long time!
Maya, you have already brought so much joy to our lives in your short three months. I can't imagine the happiness that lies ahead, and look forward to seeing what milestone you decide to tackle next. We love you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, baby girl, and nothing will ever change that.
All Our Love,
Mommy and Daddy
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