Saturday, May 8, 2010

One Year Stats, etc.

Maya is still a little peanut! :)

She's doing great in all areas, and continues to follow her growth curve. As usual, she tends to be on the longer/leaner side, but is healthy and happy and perfect! Her official stats (drumroll please!):

19 pounds, 10 ounces (27th percentile)
29 inches long (48th percentile)

Way to grow, baby girl! She had her big appointment yesterday, and took her shots well. And, best of all, she doesn't seem to be having any reaction to them, which is fantastic! No surprise, though. She is a rock star!

In other news... Mr. Nikos has developed an interesting new habit. After all this time of being in a "big boy bed," he has FINALLY decided that he can just get up and come find us whenever he wakes up. And, sadly, that tends to be 5:30am. While I don't mind snuggling with my boy for the last 30 minutes of shuteye before my alarm goes off, the incessant chatter gets to be a bit much. This is pretty much how the conversation goes...

N: I all done sleeping! I get up! You awake, Mommy?
Me: Go to sleep, baby...
N: I not tired. Hey, guys, it's not raining today! The ground is dry, see? And the sky is dry! :pause: I cry a lot in the bathtub. I make Daddy sad. You happy, Mommy and Daddy?
Me: Yeah, we're happy... go to sleep, baby boy...
N: Hey, I go get breakfast! I have waffle and banana, and watch Chuggington!
Me: Not yet, baby, go to sleep...
N: I not go in tent-tunnel yet (this is what he calls playing under our covers). My-my is still sleeping. I go get her awake! (wiggles and bonks his head on the headboard) Ow, I got an owie. You kiss it, mommy? (I kiss it) All better?
Me: All better?
N: Yeah, all better. You got an owie, Mommy? I kiss it!

...and so on, ad nauseum...

I have to say, it's ridiculously cute. And he's SO cheerful. But really, it would be cuter at, say, 7am. So if we can work that out, I will let you know!!

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