Thursday, May 13, 2010

Little Sickie

So she may not look it in the picture, but this child started off with a small cold, then had pinkeye, and decided to top it all off with a double ear infection. She is truly miserable! I took her outside earlier for a change of scenery, since she's been cooped up in the house most of the week and seemed to be getting a little stir-crazy. And she was happy for like 2 minutes. Miracle of miracles!

Anyway, this has been the Week of Germs. Last Friday, Nikos woke up from his afternoon nap at daycare with crusty, goopy eyes... Which proceeded to get worse over the weekend. And then Maya joined in the fun. Nikos went to the doctor on Tuesday, and came away with two eyedrop prescriptions (one for him, and one for Maya, too). By that evening, though, Maya was running a temperature of 102.7. Her doctor visit the next day confirmed what we already suspected: double ear infection. Furthermore, if she gets another infection, the pediatrician recommends that we get tubes put in her ears instead of constantly putting her on antibiotics. I am not looking forward to this. But, she DOES get a lot of ear infections, and she seems to get them really easily! So maybe tubes will be the way to go. Only time will tell!

At any rate, at least one kid has stayed home each day this week. I'm optimistic that Maya can return to daycare tomorrow, but keep your fingers crossed!!

On a side note, Maya is sitting on the floor in front of me right now, very intently reading a Lois Lowry book. My little 5th grader, ha! (better yet, it's upside down)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw poor thing! My nephew Brody had tubes put in his ears and he's been doing great. I think my brother and his wife were more freaked out than he was. Hope she feels better soon!