Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Teething & Flipping

Well, it's official: our little guy is officially growing up! He has been teething like a madman for the past few days, and we can see a white spot on his bottom gums where a tooth is likely to emerge sometime in the near future. And boy, is he C-R-A-N-K-Y about it! He has been gnawing on anything that passes near his mouth, with a definite preference for adult fingers. Naturally, he seems to dislike all of his made-especially-for-teething-baby toys! In addition to fingers, he likes to gnaw on Sugarbear's face (his teddy bear), burp cloths, and this great toy that Alayna, Sacha, and Mateo sent him when he was born. I'm positive that it was not intended to be a teething toy, but I guess he really likes the way the wooden knobs feel on his gums. Whatever works, right? At any rate, we are trying to make our little guy as comfortable as possible, but it's clear that his gums are really bothering him. I hope that little tooth hurries up and pops out soon!

In addition to teething, Nikos has gotten into the habit of flipping himself onto his tummy almost as soon as he is put into his crib. Why he does this is beyond me-- especially since he seems to hate being on his tummy and starts crying hysterically! Last night, he was up for almost an hour and a half past his bedtime because he kept doing this. Once I finally got him calmed down, I decided to let him sleep in his carseat for the night-- that way, he wouldn't be able to move around and wake himself up! Sure enough, he conked out right away and slept peacefully until around 3:30, when he woke up to eat. After feeding him, I decided to try putting him back in his crib, and then didn't hear a peep from him until I went in to get him at 6. And guess what?? He was on his tummy again-- but completely asleep! This is major progress! I am hoping that he won't freak out as much now when he flips over. But only time will tell!

Anyway... it's been an interesting week! I'm on Spring Break, so it's been great to be a full-time mommy again. And Nikos has definitely been keeping me on my toes! :)

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