Sunday, April 6, 2008

Rice Cereal, Day 2

So we tried rice cereal again today, and still haven't been very successful. It could be that our little guy just isn't ready for solids yet! We're going to keep offering cereal once a day, though, and hopefully he'll get the hang of things in a week or two. I have to keep reminding myself not to force him to eat if he doesn't want to, because he'll do it when he's ready. In the meantime, though, he's pretty entertaining to watch. Behold, a video from today! (yesterday, the video camera wasn't in a great position, so today's turned out much better)

He wouldn't sit up straight in his chair today, either... He keep sticking his hand out of the leg opening! Silly little guy! :P

1 comment:

Alayna said...

He is soooo cute!! I love seeing how he's growing. Our little guy started really slowly with solids, too, and I now wish we hadn't tried to push him on it. We were convinced that he should be eating solids and didn't really stop to listen to what he wanted. Eventually we did, though, and then things started going much better! And now he eats what he wants, when he wants, and all is well. I hope Nikos likes fruits and veggies more than rice cereal :)