Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Lately, Nikos has been starting to get the hang of eating from a spoon (although he doesn't actually swallow much-- I guess that's the next step!). At the suggestion of a friend, we switched from rice cereal to oatmeal, and his whole demeanor changed instantly! I guess he likes oatmeal, just like his mommy! Anyway, he's actually started leaning forward, opening his mouth, and even helping guide the spoon in with his hand. It's so cute! We are very proud of our little man!

And then, last night, Nikos surprised us. Since day one of solids, I've been giving him a little sippy cup of water. He had enjoyed banging it on the table and gnawing on the handles, but that was about all. Until last night. And then, poof! Like magic, he grabbed the cup, put the spout in his mouth, and sucked on it! He made a horrible face, and spat water all over himself. But then he put the spout back in his mouth and did it again... and again... and again! He figured out how to work the cup! He did the same thing this afternoon, too. This kid never ceases to amaze me!

Anyhow, I had to share... I wasn't expecting him to figure out the sippy cup for quite a while, so that was a bonus! Hooray for Nikos! :)

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