Monday, September 24, 2007


So I had my 37-week appointment this afternoon, and all continues to be fine and dandy! The only thing that was different this time was that I had to do a Group Beta Strep test, which was oh-so-fun ("vaginal swab," yippee...). Long story short, many women have this particular variety of strep bacteria in the birth canal and would never know it. However, if the baby is exposed to it during birth, it's not good. So if I test positive, then they will put me on IV antibiotics during labor to make sure I don't pass it on to the baby. And if not, life continues on as normal. Either way, not a big deal.

The other interesting thing that happened was that I asked the Nurse Practitioner how she thought the baby was currently positioned in my belly. I have had a suspicion for a few weeks now that he was "sunny-side up"... and I was right! WOOHOO! I like being right! However, sunny-side up isn't the greatest thing. It means that his belly and face are facing outward. And if he tries to come out that way, it's harder because he won't be able to tuck his head and make it a teensy bit smaller for me. And the hard back of his head will press against my back, causing what has only been described as horrible pain. So, we'll see! She said he still has plenty of time to spin around, and that even if he doesn't, he could still easily be born vaginally. Here's hoping he spins, though!!

Anyway... next week's appointment should be an interesting one, because they will do my first internal exam. They'll be able to tell me if I'm dilated at all, which I am dying to know!!! I can hardly wait!


Alayna said...

Wow, I can't believe you're at 37 weeks! Amazing. The baby's full term now, right?

From my post-birth perspective, I just have to make a comment about the IV antibiotics - any antibiotics you have late in pregnancy, especially the IV kind, can make you more likely to get thrush afterwards. Having had 4 courses of antibiotics while I was pregnant and a horrific case of thrush afterwards, I really hope you don't have Group B strep! If you do, make sure to eat lots of yogurt and stuff with active cultures in it afterwards, to help things balance out again.

Sorry for the long comment! We're so excited for your little guy to arrive :)

Anonymous said...

i watched knocked up. i thought of you. look out for some mail in later this week. your cooking fest is amazing! i want to eat all that frozen food.