Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Ant and the Grasshopper

I was an ant today! Hooray!! If you're not familiar with Aesop's fable about the ant and the grasshopper, then click here. In addition to cleaning the entire house and going grocery shopping this morning, I also managed to start cooking food for after our little guy gets here! I made a lasagna, a chicken noodle casserole, a chicken taco casserole, a pot of chili, and filling to make several chicken pot pies. Yeah!!! I even took a picture of my work, because I was so proud:

Hooray!! I still have a few more things I want to make, but I'm off to a good start. In addition to cooking like a madwoman, I managed to have time to go out to lunch with my parents, who came down today to watch my brother play in an Ultimate Frisbee tournament (he and two of his teammates are actually staying with us tonight, and should be here soon). And then, to top it all off, I washed all the dishes and baked brownies, just 'cuz I needed them. Woohoo!!! I feel so on top of things today!! Time to have a baby already! :P

Random thought: I was reading that Wikipedia article I linked to in the first paragraph, and thought it was so interesting to learn that in the original Greek fable, the grasshopper was actually a cicada. When we were in Greece last summer, the cicadas were out in full force. The noise was deafening!! They were really annoying. I kind of like the story better with a cicada instead of a grasshopper.

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