Saturday, February 17, 2007

Let the good times roll...

So, the fun has begun! Up until now, I have had no real pregnancy symptoms other than a positive pregnancy test and the occasional mild stretching-cramping feeling in my belly. There have actually been a few times where I have completely forgotten that I was pregnant! But that all changed last night, when I had to get up not once, not twice, but THREE times to pee in the middle of the night. Three!! Oh, and did I mention that I also went right after I got up this morning, and then 45 minutes after that? I am a peeing machine! You might think that it's too early to be having this problem. I mean, I figured that the frequent urination was caused by the baby getting bigger and squashing your bladder. Well, that happens, too. But early on, my uterus is expanding pretty quickly, and my body is sort of cleaning itself out in preparation for taking care of the baby. So I'm a peeing machine. It doesn't help that I've been making sure to get 64 ounces of fluids every day!

Actually, my diet has changed a lot this week (not just my fluids!). I read the chapter about diet in What to Expect When You're Expecting, and realized that what I was eating just didn't cut it... So I drew up a new plan, went to the store, and am now officially eating healthily. And, just because I feel like it, here is my daily plan (it's flexible, of course, but this is the outline):

8 oz. orange juice
1 banana
1 cup of bran flakes with 8 oz. non-fat milk

Morning Snack:
String Cheese
Yogurt (or almonds)
1 pint of water

2 cups spinach and 1/4 cup walnuts with fat-free raspberry vinaigrette
1 apple
Peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread
1 pint of water

Afternoon Snack:
1 oz. whole wheat crackers (Triscuits)

4 oz. grilled chicken strips
Bell pepper strips
Broccoli florets
Cheddar cheese (on top of the veggies and chicken)
2 cups non-fat milk

1 wheat germ muffin (it's good, I swear!)
1 cup non-fat milk

And THAT is what I've been eating... it's a lot! I hope I don't gain a million pounds, but I really want the baby to get all the right vitamins and minerals that it needs. So if I gain weight, oh well!

Alright... time to get a jump on the day (it's Saturday, hooray!). But my little baby is almost in week 5, and its heart is about to start beating for the first time. It will officially become an embryo this week! I still can't believe it! :)

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