Anyhow, there was no reason to really be optimistic this month. We were taking a break from the baby-making business, just taking things easy and and not stressing out. I had actually shelled out $150 for a ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor, which I planned on using next month. I had been charting my cycles for the past year, so I knew that our timing was good, but that didn't mean much (we'd had good timing plenty of times before, with no success). I also knew that my "monthly friend" was due for a visit on Sunday, February 11th. But... nothing happened. I started to get excited, but didn't want to get my hopes up after doing that one too many times.
Gus and I spent the afternoon at the San Diego Zoo with our renter (and friend/Gus' coworker), Florian, slogging through puddles and getting soaked by the periodic downpours. Despite the wetness, it was a great day to be at the zoo. It wasn't nearly as crowded as it usually is, and the animals were a lot more active in the colder weather. We had a lot of fun, and it helped me keep my mind off of what was going on with my body (though I did run to the bathroom a few times "just to check on things").
I had made up my mind to take a pregnancy test first thing in the morning, but I didn't want to tell Gus about it. For one, I didn't want to get his hopes up, either. We've both been through that too many times. Second, I knew I wanted to do something special to surprise him with the news (if there was news!). When Gus' alarm went off at 5:15am yesterday, I was instantly awake. So was my bladder, and I knew I needed to get up and go to the bathroom or risk exploding! So I stumbled into the bathroom, found my little plastic "collection cup" (yes, I've taken these tests a few times before!), and collected the test sample. Ok, fine, enough euphemisms-- I peed in the cup. And you will be pleased to know that I did not make a mess, despite the fact that it was almost pitch-black in there.
I wanted to wait until Gus was in the shower to take the test, so I set the cup in a safe place and got back into bed. Gus never even knew I had gotten up... he usually hits the snooze button two or three times before reaching consciousness. Once he got up, I quickly found one of my million tests and followed the directions. I needed to wait 5 minutes for the results, so I set the test on my nightstand, turned off the light, and stared at my alarm clock until it read 5:57. I prepared myself to be disappointed. I even told myself that the test was a cheap one and might not be valid (I got it at Dollar Tree for a buck... believe it or not, they are highly recommended!). But when I finally turned the light back on and gave my eyes a chance to focus, this is what I saw:
Two lines!! Even though the second line was faint, it was definitely there. I couldn't believe it... Pregnant! Finally! I sat in bed and sobbed like an idiot for a few minutes, but then pulled myself together. I was shaking so hard, I thought for sure that Gus would figure me out and ruin my chance to surprise him later. I got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, and checked my email, just like any other day. Once Gus and Florian left for work, I told Charlie and Corky (our pets) that they were going to have a little brother or sister. I had to tell someone! At school, I was totally distracted. Luckily, my principal chose a good time to come in and observe me (part of my annual evaluation). The rest of the day, my mind was a million miles away.
When the bell rang, I hightailed it out of there and headed to CVS, where I bought a pack of digital pregnancy tests, a valentine card, and some wrapping paper. Back at home, I put together a present for Gus: a book (Pregnancy Sucks for Men), an "I Love My Daddy" bib, a valentine card "to daddy from child," and one of the digital tests. I wrapped it all up, and called Gus at work to tell him that I'd gone to buy his Valentine's Day present after school. I told him I was really excited, and thought he should open it right away (this is not unusual for me... I always end up making him open presents early, because I can't wait!).
When he walked in the door, I made him open the present right away. I think he thought it was a Nintendo Wii, and was slightly disappointed when he saw that the box was too small. He was confused when he saw that the box was actually a Bandolino shoe box. And he was SHOCKED when he saw what was inside! His reaction was great, though... A big smile and a "REALLY????" I started crying again (I've done that a lot lately!), and we hugged and hugged and said a lot of things like "Whoa, we're having a baby." You know, things that people say when they realize their lives are going to change in a major way.
Anyway... That brings us to today! I'm still pregnant! :) I've already scheduled my first two prenatal doctor appointments, and I'm reading What to Expect When You're Expecting. Our baby is just over 4 weeks old, and is about 2 millimeters big! It's so weird to think that, on or around October 22nd, there will be a baby in our house! We're going to be parents!! :) :) :) :) :)
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