Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hippos are hot stuff around here these days. Back in December, the kids heard the song "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" on the radio, and it became an instant favorite. In fact, they STILL ask me to play it for them at least once a week, and they love to march around the kitchen in their own little parade. It's pretty darn cute. Anyway, toss in some Sandra Boynton books that Maya LOVES (and that also feature a hippo character), and we just love hippos!

Which is why I smacked my forehead in a "Duh!" moment this afternoon. Nikos came home from daycare, going on and on about playing "Hungry Hungry Hippos" with his buddies at Bonnie's house. I repeat: duh!!! Of course he would love that game. And do we own it? Nope. So when Nikos suggested we go to the store (nothing unusual for him), I actually said yes! We zipped over there, bought the game, and zipped back. And despite a few issues early on (Maya was cheating, according to Nikos), they were both playing it together as happy as can be before bed tonight. They love their new hippos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was my favorite game when I was little!! Love it.