On another note, our boy wore new shoes today!!!!! While this might not be a big deal to anyone else, Nikos has been especially stubborn in this regard for months now. He has staunchly refused to wear ANY shoes other than the skater shoes I bought him from Target a long time ago. They were completely ratty, and bordering on too small. Well... Gus took him on a special shoe-buying trip to the aforementioned store yesterday, and they had the EXACT SAME SHOES in the next size up! He was happy about them, until it came time to wear them this morning... and then he realized they weren't the old, beat-up ones he was accustomed to (and anyone who has seen my shoes recently knows I can relate! Sometimes he is JUST like his mommy!). However, we managed to get him out the door while still wearing them. And by the time I picked him up today, he was beaming and exclaiming that "All my friends liked my new shoes!!!" It was so cute! Success!!
And, on yet another side note, I want to say congratulations to my very oldest friend, Alayna, and her partner on the birth of baby #3 (little Rosa Jane). I am so, so happy for them! YAY!!!
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