Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Harlem Globetrotters!

We surprised the kids last night with a trip to go see the Harlem Globetrotters! We got a discount on the tickets through the Cub Scout pack, so we were there with some other families we know. Anyway, it was a lot of fun! Maya was tired and cranky towards the end, though she is still talking about how funny it is. All in all, it was a success! We will be back at this venue in less than a week to go see Disney on Ice. Busy busy!
And a quick video:
Right now, we SHOULD be at our town's Easter Egg Hunt, but it's snowing. sigh... The hunt itself was cancelled due to the hard, icy snow that is still covering the fields, making it unsafe for kids to be running around on. They are still putting on an Easter "event," but we'd rather just stay home. Maya is going to a birthday tea party after lunch and, aside from that, we don't have many plans this weekend! For once!!! It feels good! :)

One more quick picture from this morning... Niko was giving Maya "an art lesson" on how to draw an Easter Bunny. They were very serious about it! Love these two lefties!

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