Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Conversations With My Boy

Two random conversations with my boy from today. He says so many funny things, and I can never seem to remember the details! But they give you a little glimpse into his personality. He's got some strong opinions for a five-year-old!

Nikos: I don't like girls. They're icky!
Me: But I'm a girl. And so is your sister...
Nikos: I mean, I don't like girls who aren't in our family. I only like boys who aren't in our family.
Me: What about Chloe? You play with her all the time.
Nikos: Yeah...
Me: So do you like her? Is she your friend?
Nikos: Yeah, she's my friend. But I don't really like girls.

6:30am... Nikos comes and climbs into bed with me, like he's been doing lately. For the record, he actually thinks it's 6:00, since I changed the clock in his room to buy myself an extra 30 minutes of sleep. It apparently works!

Nikos: Mommy, what are we doing today?
Me: Go to sleep. I'm sleeping. Talk later.
Nikos: Oh, okay... (a few minutes pass) I had the funniest dream last night! I thought I was a Power Ranger! hehe!
Me: Tell me later. Go to sleep.
Nikos: I don't want to tell you later, I want to tell you now!
Me: Niko, don't you LIKE to sleep?
Nikos: No... Well, I like it a little bit in the night. But it takes soooooo loooong. It's so boring!
Me: I like sleep. I don't think it's boring at all.
Nikos: Well, I do. And... hey LOOK! It's seven-zero-zero on Daddy's clock! Time to get up!
Me: *sigh*

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