Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lesson 2

Today was swim lesson number two, and Maya and I decided to tag along and see how it went. Nikos had SUCH a good time! He moved all around in the water, kicked his little legs like a champ, and would squeal my name with glee whenever he looked up to see me standing poolside. :) Really, it was adorable. I am thinking that these lessons were an excellent investment, for sure!

Anyway, I didn't have my camera with me, but I did take some pictures with my cell phone. I apologize for the terrible quality, but at least it gives you some idea of what the lesson was like! (oh, and there were several lessons going on in the pool at the same time... not everyone in the picture was part of his lesson, but all the lessons were for infants/toddlers!)

(Proof that Maya was there, too!)

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