Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fetus Friends

For the first time in a LONG time, Nikos played with Owen today! Remember back in the day, when my coworker (Kori) and I were pregnant at the same time? Well, here are the little boys. What a difference a year (and then some) makes, huh? Owen is 4 months older, but outweighs Nikos by at least 10 pounds. My little peanut!

Anyway, today was fun! Kori and Owen came over, along with our other coworker, Angie (who happened to be the one who bought the matching shirts the boys are sporting in the top picture! Thanks, Angie!!). We sat around and drank virgin margaritas on the patio as the boys played and Maya chilled in her carseat. It was fun to catch up on all the work-related "gossip" (if you could call it that), but I am really not looking forward to the summer ending in only a few short weeks. I am so not ready to go back to work!!

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