Friday, November 7, 2008


I can't believe that I forgot to post about this! Yikes! Pregnancy brain strikes again!

Anyway... Last week, I made the big announcement at work! In the lounge, I posted the picture of Nikos wearing his "Big Brother" shirt and wrote the news on the white board. Knowing that this sort of news spreads like wildfire around my small school, I knew I'd need to tell my students pretty much first thing in the morning. After they got unpacked and settled, I told them that I had a Picture of the Day to share. This is pretty common for me-- I almost always show them cute Nikos pictures. So when his picture popped up on the screen, I got the usual "awwwww"s from the kids. I didn't say anything. After a short pause, I could hear a few students reading his shirt out loud ("big... brother...??"). Next thing I knew, one little boy said, "Wait-- are you PREGNANT?!?!?!" The way he said it, with an accusatory tone, was hilarious (his mom just had baby #4 six weeks ago)! Once I confirmed that yes, I was indeed pregnant, they just went bonkers. Screaming, yelling, ticker-tape parade insane. It was a pretty great reaction, actually. They are so excited! (oh, and this was last Wednesday... it was a short day and the day that we celebrated Halloween at our school... So they were pretty hyper to begin with)

Anyhow... fast forward to this week. The same kiddo who figured out that I was pregnant asked me what I was going to name this baby. I said something to the effect of, "I don't know. Whatever I feel like!" He responded, "So... you could, like, name your baby something like Rainbow? Or Tree?" I told him that yes, I was planning to name my child Rainbow. Well, wouldn't you know that it stuck! All week long, my students have been calling my baby "Rainbow." In all seriousness! They'll start questions with phrases like "When Rainbow gets here..." It cracks me up! It's so much more fun than saying "it" or "the baby." Little Rainbow! :)

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