Sunday, May 25, 2008

7 Month Letter

Dear Nikos,

How on earth did you get to be seven months old already??? I was just sitting here, surfing the internet, when it suddenly hit me that you were seven months old today and that I hadn't yet begun to write your monthly letter. This past month went by in a heartbeat!

There are really five things that I've noticed about you this month. One is that you have become quite the little piglet when it comes to eating solids and drinking from your sippy cup! Gone are the days when I could barely get you to take a bite of rice cereal. Now you gobble down two meals a day! You usually have oatmeal with applesauce or bananas for breakfast, and a veggie mixed with rice cereal for dinner. While you were initially slow to warm up to new flavors, you now eat just about anything you're given. You are especially fond of sweet potatoes, though they seem to move through your system a bit too quickly, if you catch my drift. You become quite the little poop machine when you eat them!

My second observation this month is that your sitting ability has improved dramatically. You are completely capable of sitting unassisted for great lengths of time. However, you haven't yet realized the hazards of launching yourself backward when you're in the sitting position, so we will continue to surround you with pillows for now. You do, however, LOVE to sit and play with your toys, and will keep yourself occupied in this fashion long enough for Mommy to wash dishes or get other chores done. You especially love to play with your shape-sorter and blocks, often grabbing one block in each hand and banging them together. You are so cute!!

My third and fourth observations have to do with your overall level of happiness and zest for life... You are SO HAPPY these days! You laugh hysterically at almost anything-- such as the cat walking by you when you sit on the floor, or Mommy peeking in at you through the bars of your crib. You have also become a crazy little jumper when you're in your jumperoo... You bounce and laugh and make all sorts of funny noises! You really have a fantastic time, and your happiness is infectious. I have never known a baby with such an adorable smile or amazing laugh!

Finally, you have started doing something completely magical this month: SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!! This development coincided with your sudden interest in solids, and it has made such a difference in all our lives! You still wake up for a small snack, occasionally, but not more than once a week. I think that all three of us are more rested now, and able to enjoy our days more. Keep up the good work, kiddo!

In short, you continue to become even more wonderful and amazing with each passing day, and we adore you endlessly. Your big brown eyes and gummy smile are such a welcome sight after a long day of work, and we can't wait to see what your future holds. We love you, peanut!!

All Our Love,

Mommy and Daddy

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