Maya's big interest lately has been in, well, the contents of her diaper. She practically has a giant blinking neon sign over her head that says "Potty Train Me! I'm Ready!", but I am trying to put it off until spring break. That's mainly because her big bro still needs quite a bit of help with the potty thing, and the thought of BOTH of them at that stage makes me feel... tired. Very tired. But it will happen soon enough.
But I digress... Our baby girl has gotten in the habit lately of announcing when she is going to poop. She will be playing with her brother when, all of a sudden, she will stop and announce, "I'm pooping!!" This is usually accompanied by a big grin, followed by the announcement: "In my diaper!" Good job, Maya! (I have to admit, it makes me laugh EVERY TIME!)
Her language also continues to explode in non-potty-related areas, though it is really hard to understand her with her pacifier in her mouth. And since it is in there pretty much all the time, that means that some serious translation is in order. I think we will try and bid farewell to the paci when she turns two, but I fear and dread that day. At any rate, when she takes it out, she IS pretty clear! Like today, at lunch, I asked her if it was good. She announced that it was "Yummy in my tummy! Mmmmmmm!" complete with satisfied belly-rubbing. She also has a routine with her brother where one of them will do a very dramatic fake sneeze ("ahh- ahh- a-choo!"), and the other will say "Bless you!"
Nikos, as always, is something of a chatterbox. But the content is getting so much more sophisticated! This morning, he marched into our bedroom at 5:40am, proclaiming that he had to go potty. This turned out to be a ruse to get into bed with us, and we surrendered. Every few minutes, he would roll over and ask me if it was time to get up yet. Nope, sorry! I finally told him we could get up when the clock said "six-three-zero" (6:30). I thought it was a brilliant plan, since he seems to understand clocks pretty well and is great with numbers. But, it backfired. Every few minutes, he would sit up and lean across me to see the clock, and then announce that it was "five-five-six" or "six-zero-one." At one point, he told me it was "six-five-five," and I corrected him (since it was 6:22- he read the twos as fives). He stared hard at the clock, thought about it for a few minutes, and then announced that "twos are a kind of a five." I can totally see how he would think that, and it was funny to watch the wheels spinning in his mind!
Some other fun tidbits from today... This morning (shortly after six-three-zero), Nikos was playing on the living room floor, and Charlie kept rubbing up against him. Nikos was petting him gently and speaking very sweetly/softly to him. I was only half-paying-attention to the whole encounter until I picked up on this: "You're such a good kitty. Just don't yuke on me, okay? Okay? Good boy. Yuking is super yuck!" Remember, he says "yuking" instead of "puking." haha! Oh, and another fun one: He convinced Maya to pretend to be a puppy, and actually got her to crawl down the hallway, barking, to where I was folding laundry. He informed me that she was just a baby puppy, and that I needed to be careful because (sotto voce) "she might bite you!" He also spent many moments this afternoon telling me just how happy he was that I was able to fix his remote-controlled car (it needed new batteries), and how he just KNEW I could do it all along! And when I finished my dinner, he congratulated me on a job well done and told me I could have a turn driving said remote-controlled car. He even let Maya have a turn, and did his best to show her how to work the remote (she was more interested in trying to open the battery compartment).
Oh, and then there was the hour (yes, an entire hour) where they both ran in circles around the kitchen island, chanting "I'm gonna get you!" and giggling hysterically. I swear, that is their favorite game. Easy enough!
Once I got dinner started this afternoon, I got them both occupied playing with Play-Doh at the kitchen island. They went from hyper to completely absorbed in the activity within seconds. It was very serious business!
That is, until I caught Maya sneaking bites of the brown Play-Doh (I guess it looks like chocolate). And as soon as I chastised her about it, she burst into hysterical, guilt-ridden tears and, well, that was the end of Play-Doh for the evening. Poor kiddo! I just told her it was yucky. But she can be really sensitive about certain things, and I guess eating Play-Doh is one of them...
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