So, about the scratches... Our house has been on the market since right after Halloween, with only one real bite (and no actual offers). The weather has been rainier than usual, the market is saturated with lots of cheap homes, etc. Lots of things stacked against us, particularly when our house is one of the nicer ones in the neighborhood. Anyway, Saturday was my day to wake up with the kids, and I had a plan. I could almost feel spring in the air, and wanted to prune all the rosebushes so they would go crazy in a few weeks (like they always do after a good pruning). We have eight rosebushes in all, and I couldn't find the clippers. And I only had one gardening glove. But I didn't let that stop me! I got the kids dressed as soon as they finished breakfast, and we went outside to beautify the yard. I managed to slice up the back of one hand pretty badly in the process, but I am hoping it's worth it! When our yard is in bloom, it is just beautiful. I have a feeling that spring is going to be when we get an offer, because someone will fall in love with the yard. Fingers crossed!
Anyway, that was Saturday morning. We spent the rest of the day cleaning the house, the patio, etc., and running errands. Exciting stuff! But we kept busy, and the time just flew by.
On Sunday, we had to take Maya to church again (as is customary to do the week after baptism). So we all went, and met up with Gus' mom. Maya wore her baptismal dress again, and I managed to snap this super-quick photo complete with her pacifier and Dora purse. She would NOT hold still, so this is the best I got!
Afterward, we went to lunch (which the kids ALWAYS love. Seriously, they love restaurants.). And then we headed back to the ranch, where we fought over the TV all afternoon (two of us wanted to watch the Superbowl, and two of us wanted to watch Bubble Guppies. I'll let you figure that one out.). We compromised and did a little of each, considering the kids were so tired and semi-cranky. I mean, just look! Maya refused to take a nap, and was practically falling asleep on the living room floor! And you know Nikos has to be tired when he sucks his thumb. Poor guys had a busy morning!
Anyway, the alarm went off this morning, and I remembered that I am a single mom. Darn it! Gus is gone on business, but will be home tomorrow. And, on that note, I think I had better hit the hay! Four more days until vacation!
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