Wednesday, July 17, 2013

An update!

Ok, ok, I dropped the ball again! Gus gave me "the look" and pointed out that the last blog post was from the Fourth of July (well, I posted it on the eighth, but still...). It turned out that right after that, I was struck with inspiration and creating a new blog! I'm blogging about all my home improvement projects, which has had the added bonus of making me continue to actually complete said projects. Woohoo! Anyway, please check it out, if you haven't already-- I am excited about it!

Anyway... Our life here has continued as usual! We are in the midst of a heat wave, and it is kind of miserable! I am sitting in front of a fan as I type this. It's good practice for when we all go to Greece in a few weeks (YES!!!). Today, we spent the morning at the "Trucks and Diggers" event at the next town over, and quickly followed it up with some excellent swimming at Caryn's house. Hallelujah for having a friend with a pool! It's also great, because Niko's friend Evan has recently learned to swim on his own, and it's inspiring our own boy to be a little more adventurous. He's tried a few times without any sort of floatie, and he can almost-sort-of doggy paddle! Today, he was obsessed with holding his breath and "swimming underwater" (while still wearing his floatie). He was so proud of himself, and I'm proud that he's finally showing interest in swimming! Hooray!

Anyway, here are a few pictures of our (very hot) morning!
AAAAAND, I nearly forgot! Last Friday, we had a special guest spend the day with us! My old classroom aide, Amanda, was in Boston for the week because her husband had a conference. She had a free day, so she took the train out to see us! I picked her up at the station at 10:30am, and we had such a nice time visiting! We took her to our favorite seasonal restaurant for lunch, then hung out on the deck all afternoon. This was before the heat wave, and it was just a gorgeous day! The kids adore her, and we all had so much fun (and she got to do some laundry). She took an 8pm train back into Boston, and we were sad to see her go. It was so weird and so cool to show her the house!!

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