Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

First, let me just say that I love our town. Have I mentioned that before? It's such a neat place. It's like the perfect little small town in rural America, with fresh air, lots of open space, nice people, and wholesome fun for everyone. That sounds so cheesy. And yet, it is totally true! I never felt this way living in California, but it is very easy to see why people live places like this, where we get slammed with snow in the winter. Because it's totally worth it!

Anyway... Today was Memorial Day. I haven't been feeling great, and have been a single parent all weekend, since Gus was in California for his friend Min's wedding (one of his oldest friends... he was Gus' Best Man at our wedding). Anyway, I had heard a rumor that there was some sort of a procession in town, starting at the town hall and ending at the cemetery about two blocks down from us. But nobody really said anything, and I had kind of decided that I would just stay home in my jammies. But then a friend posted a picture of her boys on Facebook, all dressed in their scouting uniforms and ready for the parade. So... with about twenty minutes to spare, I got all three of us dressed, dragged the wagon out of the basement, and walked the two longest blocks of my life (a loooong uphill followed by a loooooong downhill). But we made it right on time! We found a spot right outside the cemetery, waited for about three minutes, and then the parade came around the bend: There were a few different military groups, a pipe band, and all the scouts in town. And as they walked by, everyone on the sidelines fell into step behind them, and everyone marched into the cemetery. I had actually never been in there before-- it is huge! And there is a small pond at the very back, which was where everyone congregated. A clergyman read out a prayer for the souls of the deceased. Guns were fired in salute. Someone played taps on a trumpet. And then all the Daisy Scouts threw white carnations into the water. It was really moving and powerful! And it reinforced what I had been telling the kids all weekend, explaining what Memorial Day is actually about. I am really glad we decided to go.

Then, when we got back home, we did some work in the garden. I pulled weeds, took the netting off (since the peas were starting to cling to it), and made little teepees for my beans to climb. I really need better climbing stuff, especially for my peas, but I will figure that out some day this week. Anyway, look at my little garden! This little 4x8 box is currently growing carrots, garlic, leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, broccoli, bell peppers, red onions, oregano, basil, parsley, chives, spinach, cherry tomatoes, regular tomatoes, peas, and green beans. This is in addition to my blueberry, raspberry, and blackberry bushes, my planter of strawberries, my planter of yellow onions, and so on... you get the point! And I haven't even planted my corn, watermelon, or sunflowers yet, hehe! I LOVE MY GARDEN!!
Meanwhile... the deck guys showed up this morning, scaring me half to death since I figured they would have the day off! But they put in about six hours of work, and got every single deck board installed except for one-- the very last one, closest to that door, which needs to be cut to fit (it's just a little too wide). They should be done by the end of the week. They just need to get that one board in, replace the siding on the house (they took it off very carefully-- they just have to put it back on), install the rails, install the one step down, and then do something to cover up the wood that is visible from the side (I don't know what the plan is, but I know that there is one!). It is so awesome already, though! It's so nice to walk out that door and onto the deck! And the kids are crazy about it!
In fact, they were so enamored with it, that they really wanted to eat dinner on it tonight. Yeah, I gave in and we got the worst possible junk food. But they were happy, and I was tired. It was just that kind of day!
In other news, Gus spent all day yesterday with my brother and his family, and got to meet little Riley. He texted me this picture. I am so jealous!! I am also happy that he is back in the state, and on his way home. I know two little kids who are going to wake up early tomorrow to make sure Daddy's home!

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