Saturday, May 2, 2009


So life with our new little one is going really well, so far! Of course, we are still in the hospital (and will be until Monday, at least), but I have very few things to complain about. Little Maya is a champion nurser, even though my milk hasn't come in yet. She latches on quickly and just keeps trying, which will get us off to a great start when the milk gets flowing over the next few days. This is a HUGE step for us, because breastfeeding was the single most stressful part of my life when Nikos was born. So hallelujah!

Maya's entry into the outside world was relatively calm compared to her big brother's. We got to the hospital at 5:30am yesterday morning, filled out paperwork, and then the nurses proceeded to prep me for my surgery. They did a few blood draws, got me changed into the hospital gown, inserted my IV (it took two tries- yuck!), and then had me drink some unpleasant concoction to calm my stomach. I then walked into the operating room, which was so weird after being wheeled in on a gurney last time. The anesthesiologist gave me my spinal block (also took two tries-- shudder!), and my toes instantly went tingly. Within two minutes, I was numb from the chest down and lying on the operating table. The nurses and techs draped my belly and got everything ready, and then in came my obstetrician to get things rolling! He was actually assisted by another surgeon-- the same one who delivered Nikos! So that was kind of cool. Everyone was really chatty as they cut me open-- obviously, I didn't feel a thing! We talked about Nikos, teaching, and all sorts of random things. It was pretty surreal, actually!

At 7:49, the anesthesiologist grabbed a mirror and held it up over the drape so that I could see what was going on. I didn't expect that AT ALL, and it was AWESOME!!! I am definitely not squeamish when it comes to blood and guts, and it was incredible to see them actually pulling Maya's head out of my belly. They suctioned out her nose and throat, and she started wailing! They wiggled the rest of her body out, cut her umbilical cord, and then she was here! I couldn't believe it. I have never seen anything so amazing in my life. With Nikos, he just sort of appeared from behind the curtain. This time, it was so, SO clear that she came out of my belly. Unbelievable!

During the surgery, and especially after she was out, my blood pressure started to plummet and I felt incredibly nauseous and dizzy. I have low blood pressure to begin with (100/70 is pretty typical for me), so it was scary. Luckily, the anesthesiologist was on top of things, and she gave me several doses of a medication to bring me back up. I was feeling a little loopy after that, though.

Anyway... I spent about 3 hours in the recovery room, and Maya was visited by both sets of grandparents, her Aunt Maria, and Maria's boyfriend, Nick. I felt pretty shaky and out of it, but still relieved. And then I was pleasantly surprised to learn that we would be getting a private post-partum room. What great luck!

It may be too early to make this claim, Maya seems to be a mellow baby, only fussing when she's hungry, cold, or needs a diaper change. She spends almost all her time sleeping or being quiet and alert. I think it may have something to do with the calmness of her parents (especially her mother!) this time around- I just know that she is healthy and wonderful, and that we're going to be okay. Life is good!

The ONLY complaint I have is that the hospital had to change their visitor policy because of the Swine Flu-- NO visitors under the age of 16, period. Not even siblings. Sadly, Nikos won't get to meet his new sister until we come home from the hospital. And while it breaks my heart (I cried a lot when I heard the news), I know that it really won't make a difference to him one way or another. It was more for me, I guess. It just means that I have something else to look forward to when we go home. I'm going to film their first meeting! :)

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Gosh I can't believe the swine flu stopped Nikos from visiting. :( Glad everything else has gone so well for you guys!!! Can't wait to hear all about it. I'm so happy you're healthy, and so is Maya.