Friday, August 22, 2008

What a Week!

I have officially survived the first week of the school year, and I am SPENT! I have 33 kids in my class this year and, no, that's not a typo! I can't even describe how exhausted I am, even though they do seem to be a good group. My throat is raspy and sore, my muscles ache, and I am just bone-tired.

Add to that the fact that Nikos has become a little crawling machine, and is going EVERYWHERE these days! He still army-crawls, but he's fast... and when he sees something that he wants (such as the cat), he's off and running. It's amazing and wonderful, but he officially requires constant vigilance! We are going to have to step up our babyproofing, and quickly!

He's also learned a new trick, by the way: Nikos now knows how to pull off his bib. Which he likes to do mid-meal whenever he's eating something particularly messy. I learned that one the hard way. Safety pins really are useful things to have around, you know?

At any rate, I'm tired. Very, very tired. All I want to do is sleep. Have I mentioned how tired I am?

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