Sunday, August 3, 2008

Then and Now

Nikos and I had a lazy Sunday together, just hanging around the house and not doing much (I'm tired, to be honest... I just want to sleep in!). This afternoon, I noticed our baby swing sitting in the living room, and (yet again) made a mental note to fold it up and move it out to the garage. Nikos hasn't used it in months. But just for fun, I put him in there for a few minutes to snap some pictures. He actually thought it was very entertaining, even if the swing itself barely moved under all that weight! After I got the pictures onto my computer, I compared them with pictures I took in his first weeks home from the hospital. It's incredible to see how much he has grown and changed!!



Such a big boy!!! And finally, for good measure, here is a video from today. Nikos loves to look at his reflection in the mirror. I mean, really LOVES it! My little narcissist! :P

1 comment:

Alayna said...

Awww! He is just too cute. And 20 lbs! I meant to comment on that post but I figured I'd just comment on this one instead. He's getting so big! I love all his baby chub. Hope you all are having a wonderful start to August...