Friday, August 1, 2008

Cause and Effect

I learned something new about the little munchkin this morning: He understands cause and effect, and has learned to anticipate things! Lately, he thinks it is great fun to throw his water cup on the ground during meals. While it doesn't bother me too much, sometimes the cup bursts open and water gets all over the (fairly easy-to-clean tile) floor. This morning, at breakfast, Nikos grabbed his cup, moved it off the edge of his highchair tray, and let go. And then flinched as though he was expecting to hear it hit the floor... which it didn't, because I caught it. He instantly looked over the edge, and was simultaneously surprised and delighted to see that it was resting there in my hand! He had totally been expecting the cup to hit the ground, and he knew that it would make a noise! That may not seem like a huge deal to most adults, but it's incredible to me to see the little wheels in his head spinning... What a smartie!

In other, completely unrelated news, today is the first day of August, which brings me great sadness. I only have one more week of summer vacation!! Well, technically I don't have to go back to work until the 14th, but I'm starting back on the 11th so I have more time to get my room ready. sigh... so sad! :( At least I have Bryce and Aditi's wedding tomorrow to look forward to. THAT, at least, should be loads of fun. Hooray for weddings!

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