Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Winter Concert!

The kiddos had their winter concerts at school today, and they did fantastic! And they looked good doing it, too!
I recorded all their songs and have uploaded them into one convenient playlist, for anyone who feels like watching. It's important to note, though, that Niko had a speaking role in the Kwanzaa song (#6 on the list). He just found out on Monday that he'd been selected to speak, and he seemed fine with it until this morning... and then he was very, very nervous! You'll notice that Maya is happy as can be to be up on stage, but Niko looks Very Serious in his songs. Well, he was super nervous. He can be so shy, and he just doesn't like the limelight at ALL (unlike his sister, haha). But... HE DID IT! He was so massively relieved tonight, now that it's over and done. And Gus and I were relieved, too, since we feared he might flat out refuse to do it once he saw the hundreds of people in the audience. We will all sleep well tonight, haha!

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