Tuesday, November 12, 2013


We had our first *real* snow this morning! We've had a few days where we've had flurries, but nothing ever stuck to the ground. This morning, Maya came running into my bedroom at 7am, bounced onto the bed, and announced that there was SNOW outside! For once, the forecast had been right! And I was so excited that I jumped out of bed and immediately got dressed. I have been waiting for this moment, wanting to get a great snowy shot of the kids to use on our Christmas cards. I had everything all set to go by the back door, and it was time to make it happen! We went out in the snow for about 15 minutes, and I am so, so happy that I didn't wait-- the snow stopped falling shortly after that. And I got some photos I LOVE, including the one that we used on the Christmas card. I want that one to be a surprise, but here was my second-favorite! I went back and forth a lot, and almost used this one on the card, but decided on another one that showed more of the trees in the background. But look! Real snow! And my babies!
It really only snowed about a quarter of an inch, and the grass quickly became visible again through the snow, but the coating is still there! It never went above freezing today. Right now, it's down to 24 degrees outside. The snow that fell this morning is very hard and icy now. I used it as justification to put some of my Christmas decorations up. Because, let's face it, Thanksgiving is super late this year, and Christmas decorations just make my heart happy. And a snowy day is just perfect for putting them up!

Tomorrow, we have our first-ever parent-teacher conference for Niko! I can't wait! I talk with his teacher regularly, and I already know he is doing great. But it will be nice to hear it again, and for Gus to hear it with his own ears. I will report back afterward!

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