Monday, April 19, 2010


I just wanted to take a moment to talk about the word that has somehow worked its way into Nikos' vocabulary, and permeates nearly every sentence the boy utters lately. It cracks me up! My two favorite instances happened earlier today. First, Nikos was looking for a puzzle piece, which had apparently gone missing. He wandered into the kitchen, threw up his hands, and said, "Mommy, the oval piece-- I don't know where is it!" I didn't know, either, but figured it couldn't hurt to say, "I don't know-- where is it, baby?" He thought and thought, then had a very visible "a-ha!" moment, and announced: "It's probably in my room! I go look for it!"

Later, he was talking to my parents on the phone, and told them the various things we had bought at the store. He told them we had bought a present, and my mom asked where HER present was (just joking around). Again, he got very thoughtful-looking, and then he declared, "It's probably in the car, Grandma!"

Oh my goodness, this kid makes me laugh. I LOVE his language these days. He is so imaginative, and such a quick thinker. He definitely keeps us on our toes, but not in a bad way! :)

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