Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Hot March Day...

Nope, that wasn't a typo-- our current temperature is hovering right around 85 degrees, and it feels cooler than it was earlier! We spent the morning at the park, where Nikos made a beeline for the swings. This was the first time we'd taken him there since he officially became a full-time walker-- so there was much to do/see/explore! For my part, I sat on a blanket in the shade because it was just too hot, and I worried that I might pass out. Plus, walking actually hurts me quite a bit these days, so it was better for Gus to chase him around! After playing for a long time, they came back over to relax with me for a few minutes and blow some bubbles (admire the new shoes, by the way-- baby Converse to match mommy's shoes, haha!):

We left not too long after that, and came home for lunch. We were all feeling pretty toasty, still, so Gus and I set up Nikos' old inflatable duck tub in the back yard (it's much easier to fill than the wading pool because it's so small). Nikos played in the water for a bit, but was mostly happy to just run around in his swim trunks and steal sips from Gus' Slurpee:

Toward the end, he walked over to one of our lounge chairs and insisted on lounging for a bit:
Just look at that belly, would you? "Failure to thrive," my butt! We have his follow-up appointment tomorrow morning, by the way, so cross your fingers!

In completely unrelated news, I wanted to share about my almost-find this morning! On a tip, I discovered that our local BigLots store was advertising hand-held video baby monitors for only $49-- the same exact ones that retail for close to $200! With a deal as good as that, I made sure to get to the store right when it opened at 9:00. The ad just came out today, and I was hoping to buy two of them, if I could-- one for each kiddo's room. Well, I found the baby monitors, but not the ones in the ad. I hunted down a sales associate, who assured me that they were near the diapers (which was where I had been looking). Nope, they weren't. She then tried to tell me that this other video monitor was the one in the ad. Um, no, I am not that stupid (the one she was pointing out retails for $70 and was selling for $50... not nearly the same bargain). It turned out that they didn't have them, and neither did another store not too far away (they "never received them"). So why were they advertised?? Sheesh. Anyhow, I then proceeded to ask the associate if they sold kid-sized toy brooms. She said yes, and told me where to look. Guess what? They didn't have any.

I guess it just wasn't my day!

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