Saturday, November 3, 2007


So I know that every night won't be the same, but last night was fabulous!! Nikos woke up every three hours (like clockwork!) to eat, he latched on well, ate efficiently (about 30 minutes total), and went right back to sleep! Gus and I were both able to sleep, and I actually feel somewhat RESTED today! Hallelujah!!!! Of course, we all slept until 10am, but that's okay. We got sleep! I can't use enough exclamation points!!!!!!!!! I just fed the little guy again, and now he's wide awake and hanging out with Gus. After I eat my lunch, we might take him on his first stroll around the neighborhood. Today is a good day!

Also, on a more serious note... I have had a rough week and have been experiencing what all the books call the "baby blues." It's not post-partum depression-- it's a fairly common reaction most moms have after having babies (feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, wondering if I'm doing a good enough job, stressing about breastfeeding, etc.). I was pretty much having regular meltdowns every night as we got settled in the bedroom-- mostly dreading the looooong night ahead. BUT-- that didn't happen last night! I actually felt happy and content and actually COMPETENT! So I just had to share. I don't know if it's completely over and done with, but I feel a million percent better. So, hooray for that (and for a very cute baby who helps cheer me up)! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yayayay! go briar!