Wednesday, November 7, 2007

2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back...

Well, the little pumpkin will be exactly two weeks old tomorrow, and things are going well! We continue to make progress, though it's not always consistent. Case in point (warning: TMI!): over the weekend, I was finally able to get him to latch on to me without using a nipple shield (that's the thing they were having me use at the hospital to get him on there-- I guess it made for a bigger target?!?). Anyway, I was thrilled about it, because he seems to be a much more efficient eater without the shield, and he doesn't spit up as much. There is nothing that frustrated me more than watching him spit up my breastmilk--it's a precious commodity, you know?? So anyhow, that was a major step. But then, the very next day, it was like he had completely forgotten how to latch on again! sigh... The good news is that we are back in business, and he is a pretty good little eater now. And last night was another good night, where he basically woke up every three hours so we could change his diaper and feed him. (we won't talk about the night before that, where he woke up at 3am and then fussed/ate poorly for almost three hours straight. And then he fell asleep next to me, pooped, and his diaper leaked-- getting poop on our sheets. No, we won't talk about that at all...).

Anyway... You know how people always say that you can never truly prepare yourself for having a baby? It's true. Even though I knew this, I think I had the idea that I would somehow be different, and that this baby business would be a piece of cake. Boy was I wrong! I have never felt so utterly out of control in my entire life (though it's getting better quickly). Breastfeeding has been the biggest and most challenging aspect of taking care of him so far, followed by sleep (we have yet to get him to sleep in his little portable crib-- he just cries and cries until one of us goes to get him, then he falls asleep on us). Because we got off to such a rocky start with breastfeeding, I am constantly worried that he hasn't gained any/enough weight, and it eats me up inside. In short, it's really hard taking care of a baby, harder than I ever realized it would be. At the same time, I take one look at our little guy and am filled with so much love, it's overwhelming. It's a major emotional rollercoaster, and the ride has only just begun!

In other news, though... Gus went back to work on Monday, which led to some serious crying over the weekend. I couldn't even imagine trying to take care of Nikos all by myself!!! My parents volunteered to come and stay with me during the daytime all week, and that has been great. And today, Gus is actually home because Nikos has a doctor's appointment at noon (he's asleep in daddy's arms right now). The good news is that I was able to eat breakfast and take a shower all by myself on both Monday and Tuesday-- before my parents arrived! I can't even tell you how good it felt to accomplish that without any help! It takes a little planning (feed the baby until he goes into his food coma, then put him in his carseat in the bathroom doorway while I take a shower), but it works!!! I even got him into his swing for a little while so I could clean up a bit. It was a miracle!!!

P.S. The remainder of his umbilical cord fell off yesterday... We have a bellybutton now!! :)

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