Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Introducing: Colton Jeffery!

AKA-- my NEPHEW!!!!

I can't even tell you how excited I am to be an aunt. I feel like it couldn't come at a better time. Our kids are still young, so they will have a cousin that is close in age. And while I am perfectly content with our decision to stop at two kids, it is SO NICE to have a little baby to hold... and then hand back! Anyway, it seriously brings tears to my eyes to know that I have this new little flesh-and-blood family member to love. Grant and Melissa are going to be great parents, and I look forward to getting to know Colton's personality as he gets older!

Without further ado, how about some photos??

Now to the nitty gritty!

So yesterday, right after lunch ended, I got an email from my parents that sent me into a tailspin. Melissa's water had broken that morning, and she had been admitted to the hospital! Instantly, I changed gears in my classroom. I told the kids that the baby was coming, and that I'd be gone the next day. I assigned different tasks to various responsible kids, ensuring that the next day would flow smoothly. And during our P.E. time, my coworkers watched my students while I called for a sub and quickly wrote down some plans. It was go time!

I got home, made some phone calls, packed, and made dinner. As soon as I tucked my own babies into bed, I hopped in the car and made the three-hour drive up to Ventura County. By the time I got to my parents' hotel to retrieve the key to my brother's house (where I was crashing for the night), Melissa was ready to push! Holy moly! I figured that there would be a baby within the next hour or so!


It took over two and a half hours at that point, but when the doctor threatened to get the vacuum out, Melissa dug deep and did some super pushes that got him out (and did some damage to her). He was 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 19 inches long-- and just perfect!! Seriously, Melissa is my hero now. As someone who has had two c-sections, I just sort of stared at her in disbelief that she actually got a baby out the other way. I am pretty freaking impressed.

Anyway, there you go! He is a complete doll, and the new family of three will be heading home tomorrow. I can't wait until they are ready for all four of us to come visit-- both kids are SO excited to "hold the baby," and I'm so excited to take pictures of that moment!! :)

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