Saturday, March 17, 2007


This past Thursday was March 15th! That doesn't mean much to most people, but it was actually a pretty big day for me. For one, it marked the 4-year anniversary of when Gus proposed (awww!). But, perhaps more importantly, it marked the deadline for the school district to notify me if I won't be invited back to teach next year. Since I didn't hear anything, that means I am guaranteed a job. And, since I am guaranteed a job, that means I will finally become a tenured teacher on the first day of school next year!! I wasn't exactly worried about losing my job, but I wanted to make sure I got tenure before the baby arrived. It just means that I will have more options and flexibility when it comes to my maternity leave. Even if I chose to stay home for the rest of the year (which won't happen!), I would still be guaranteed to get my same job back when I returned. People who don't have tenure and choose to go this route basically have to start all over at square one: filling out applications, interviewing, etc. So this is a pretty big deal! And honestly, it feels pretty good to finally get tenure after teaching for six years (has it been that long already?? yikes!). I would have already had it two or three times over if I had stayed in one district. So, happy day! Hooray!!!

P.S. Today the baby is growing eyelids... Weird!!!

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