Monday, March 26, 2007

Meet the Fetus!

Click image to enlarge

So... I had my second appointment today, and it was AWESOME!! The baby is exactly 10 weeks today, and everything looks great. We weren't sure if I would get an ultrasound at this appointment or not, but I convinced Gus to come along just in case. And look what happened! It was so... surreal!!! As I sat there watching the ultrasound monitor, I felt like I was watching one of those baby shows on the Discovery Channel or TLC. But then it was like, "Wait a minute... that's inside ME!!" Such a trip! It was such a relief to finally see the proof that I was pregnant. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to see the fetus in the picture, but both Gus and I had no problems. The little peanut was wriggling all around!! We were also able to see its little heart beating away. It was really, truly an incredible thing. I wish I had a video of it- it was SO COOL!!! Anyhow, I just wanted to share our excitement for the day. Yay for the fetus! :)


Anonymous said...

Briar and Gus!!!!

MIL FELICIDADES (CONGRATULATIONS!!!!) as we say in Mexico. Littlest P. looks amazing and I'm super happy to know that you're wish to become a mommy has come true. It is very informative, jejeje, to read your blog and you seem so excited and happy that is contagious.

I am very happy for you guys and I promise to keep in touch. I will be accesing the blog regularly so I have first hand updates on your pregnancy.

I really hope you enjoy these 9 months and I send you huge hugs for you and the baby (well, little belly pats).

Be happy (as you have always been) and keep on writing. This will be an awesome diary for Littlest P.


Alayna said...

Congrats on your ultrasound!! That is so cool. Hope you're feeling good and enjoying this stage of things :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mama!

Thank you for not making me log in! It's been a while since i've visited. I wanted to call you this past weekend, but i'll give you a call in the next few days.

I love reading what's happening! I hope you're doing well. I can't wait for "little p" to arrive. everytime i see anything that has to do with babies or maternity, I want to get it for you!

Also, it was fun to read how your mother in law found out. i can totally picture it. i think it's so sweet, even though she opened her gift early... hehehe *sigh* if I were there, I'd cry too.

Congratulations on the tenure too! I'll talk to you soon!

keep the pictures coming!!