Monday, March 19, 2007

Nine Weeks!

So today, the little embryo is nine weeks old... awww! :P The cool thing is that it's starting to look more like a human, and should start swimming around in there by the end of the week. Check out this neat picture of a nine-week embryo:

And now for my random pet-peeve of the day: I keep thinking to myself, "Wow, I've already almost made it to ten weeks... I'm just about one-fourth of the way there! I can do this!" But the way that the week-counting process works is, well... really dumb (if you ask me). Physically, the baby has not existed for more than seven weeks. The doctors base your week count on the first day of your last period (when, obviously, you weren't pregnant. duh.). So they tack on an additional two weeks to the beginning, since most women ovulate about two weeks into their monthly cycle. Then, after you ovulate, your body doesn't start releasing a measurable amount of the pregnancy hormone for about two more weeks (this is the dreaded "two week wait" for people who, like us, have been trying to get pregnant for a while). Confused yet? How about a flow chart??

First day of period
(~2 weeks pass)
Sperm meets egg
(therefore, technically pregnant)
(~2 more weeks pass)
Positive Home Pregnancy Test

So really, by the time I discovered I was pregnant, I was already at four weeks (by the doctor's count). Which means I've only KNOWN about being pregnant for five weeks. Which therefore means that the next thirty-one weeks are going to take FOREVER!!!! Whew, that was a lot of scientific babble, just to explain why I am annoyed. Hopefully you were able to follow along! :P

In other, totally-unrelated-and-random news: one of my students stole money from my wallet today! A whopping $2, but I was (and am) really ticked off. Heads are going to roll tomorrow... I am pretty sure I know who did it, but that doesn't make it any better. It happened during P.E. time this afternoon, probably when a kid asked to go to the bathroom (the bathroom is right by my classroom). My purse was hidden in a closet, but I bet a bunch of my students have figured it out. When I went back in after P.E. (which was the last activity of the day), my wallet was sitting on top of my purse and my cash was gone. PUNKS! Tomorrow I need to find a new hiding place. And I'll definitely be locking the room ALL the TIME now! I usually lock it, anyway, just not during P.E... sigh... Isn't that sad?? I have never once had a kid steal from me before-- not even when I taught in Los Angeles. And I actually have a very nice group of kids this year, minus one or two. Oh well... :(

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