I realized, too, that there is actually a sign near the top of the highway that says "Entering Big Horn Sheep Area." I had no idea that they lived in the wild in California. Not even the faintest clue! I have only seen them in the zoo before! Of course, that remains the only place I've seen them, as I didn't spot any. But you better believe I was scouring the terrain the entire time!
On the way there, just before the descent, we stopped at the observation area to stretch our legs. It was crazy to see just how abruptly the desert ended and became the oasis that is Palm Springs. And, can you see the winding road down the mountain? Crazy, I tell you!
Anyway, our time there was lovely. The hotel was amazing, and made more so by the $49 price tag (it's still considered the "off season"). We basically sat by the pool all day, went for a swim to cool off as needed, and enjoyed the quiet time. This hotel also had poolside drink service, which made it feel even more luxurious. It was definitely nice to have some down time.
We got back to my parents' house just as Maya was waking up from her nap on Sunday, and had time to walk the kids down to the park while my mom cooked dinner. And it was SO COOL! While they were playing, this massive hawk landed in the tree right above us. It was HUGE!!! The kids loved it, and it stayed there for quite a while, checking us out, before it swooped off over the community clubhouse and alighted on the chimney for a bit.
I took a bunch of random pics of kids at the park, and tried to convince them for the longest time to go and sit on the nice white wooden bench so I could get something a little nicer. But would they listen? Nooo... until, of course, I was distracted by the hawk! Next thing I knew, the little boogers were both sitting on the bench! This is the best photo I was able to snag...
...though this one is far more typical. Oh, Maya. She always has to do her own thing!
Anyway, it was a relaxing weekend for us, and I know the kids had a blast hanging with their grandparents. I just hope I can keep that feeling of relaxation with me over the next few weeks!
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