Ahhh, Saturdays! I love them so! Sundays are nice, too, but they are always slightly marred by the thought of an impending Monday, so Saturdays definitely win out!
Anyhow... both kids stayed in bed until just before 7am, which was a lovely start to the day. After a leisurely breakfast and some quick housekeeping-type chores, Bill and Maria came for a visit! They were in town for a wedding, but wanted to stop by beforehand to see the kiddos. The kids were completely amped, as they often are when they see their aunt and uncle-to-be! Seriously, they were WIRED. And hilarious. It was so much fun to watch them!
We all went out to lunch together, then to go to a car show that Bill and Maria had spotted on their way to our house. It was the perfect activity for two kids who love cars (especially Nikos). Nikos declared that "the brown car" was his favorite, but I happen to know that he paid special attention to the red racecar and the hot rod with the flames on it. Maya loved the purple car, of course, as well as the one that looked like Doc Hudson from "Cars." I think we all enjoyed it, actually, and it was a fun, quick activity just a few minutes from home.
After Bill and Maria left for the wedding, I went to a local specialty market to track down some vanilla beans (our regular market didn't have them). Inspired by Pinterest (of course), I wanted to start up my own neverending batch of vanilla extract! Really, it's just two vanilla beans and vodka in an old soy sauce bottle that I cleaned out thoroughly. Everyone who posts about homemade vanilla extract says it's definitely the way to go over the store bought stuff, because it's cheaper and more flavorful. I will let you know in 6-8 weeks! Today, this is what my extract looks like. Mostly just vodka, ha!
Anytime I work in the kitchen, it's only a matter of time before one or both kids wander in and ask me about what I'm doing. For a while, Gus kept them distracted by offering them rides on his shoulders...
But really, they couldn't help me with the vanilla extract thing. However... when Nikos plunked himself down on the barstool, I was suddenly inspired to do some "supermarket science," (to quote my old Mr. Wizard book, which I practically have memorized!). First, we made clouds in a jar, talking a little bit about the water cycle (which I'm teaching right now to the 5th graders!). Nikos was mesmerized! Maya came and went, but was a little cranky from skipping her nap...
After that, we dropped the ice cubes into the water and used salt to raise their melting point and pick them up with pieces of yarn (this was very well-received by both kids). We mixed oil and water. We played with pepper floating on top of a (clean) cup of water, then breaking the surface tension with dish soap. Mostly, I just dug through the cupboards and showed them whatever popped into my brain! Maya was still pretty out of it, but cute as ever!
Finally, I busted out the food coloring, which is ALWAYS a popular activity 'round these parts. Both kids love watching the droplets of dye diffuse into the water, then stirring them around until they, ultimately, create a murky mess.
All in all, it was a pretty great day, with beautiful weather to boot! I wish every day could be like today! :)
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