Do you know that song? It's one of those annoying car songs that little kids enjoy terrorizing their parents with on long rides. And as annoying as it is, it feels completely appropos right now.
Long story very, very short... we clearly didn't hear back about the house we're trying to buy. We had hoped to maybe hear back by the end of last week. But now it's looking like we are at least three weeks away from an answer, possibly longer. Repeat after me: UGH!!!!!!!!
At the same time, we are still optimistic. We have a strong offer, and we are both head over heels in love with this house. It's "worth the wait," so to speak. Plus, the most uncomfortable part has already happened: I went back to work, after everyone thought I was moving. I've settled right back into my groove, and am in a really good place now. Test scores went up last year, and my current group of students is a really nice one. Truthfully, it went really well-- despite being a less-than-ideal situation. So I can keep on teaching for as long as I need to, now. I've already jumped over the biggest hurdle!
Anyway... November 1st marks the one-year anniversary of when we put our house on the market. We had decided beforehand to make the move, but we waited until after Nikos' birthday party to make our first official move. It's hard to believe that this process has already taken about a year, but I have to believe that things will work out, in the end. I just wish I knew when the end would be, you know?
I repeat: sigh...
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