It really only lasted for about an hour, and nothing "stuck," but it was SO pretty to watch. And a complete surprise, since today's weather forecast was completely wrong. Even AS it was snowing, the weather website said it was just "partly cloudy." Not exactly! At any rate, the kids went bananas. This was the first time they had ever seen it actually falling from the sky, and they were thrilled at how it swirled around in the air. And, I won't lie... so was I! I loved it! I tried so, SO hard to get a decent picture of it, but was unsuccessful. And cold, since I was in my pajamas. :) But here's a picture of a few flakes on the rail of the deck. I love how they are ACTUALLY "snowflake-shaped." I mean, sure... they're snowflakes. But I've never SEEN one that really looked like that before! It made me realize that I need a macro lens for my camera. Soon!
Anyway, that was a high point of our day. We didn't go anywhere or do anything terribly exciting. We ate French toast in our pajamas. I made a giant pot of beef vegetable stew in the afternoon. And I cleaned, and baked cookies, and made a shopping list. Totally domestic.
At one point, though, Nikos discovered a dreidel in the front room. My new mommy friend is Jewish, and her kids celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah. Her son brought a dreidel to show Nikos when they came yesterday, and forgot it here. Anyway, Nikos wanted to know what it was, so I did my very best at explaining Judaism. It fell on deaf ears until I mentioned that the game of dreidel is usually played with chocolate coins. Chocolate, you say??? Nikos was suddenly VERY interested. So much so that later on, he walked into the room, heaved a huge sigh, and said, "I wish I could be Jewish!" hahahahaha!!! I just about died. And soon, Maya started asking me if SHE was Jewish. Sorry, kids, no chocolate coins for you. Since that's the entire meaning of "being Jewish" and all. Sheesh!
Later on in the day, Maya cracked me up again. She walked into the kitchen wearing Nikos' shoes, and insisted that she as Nikos. So I said, "Okay, then say something Nikos would say!" She looked surprised, then deep in thought... and a minute later, she said in a lower voice, "I WANT SKETTI AND MEATBALLS!" Oh my gosh! I died. Several times over. It was so, SO perfect. She doesn't even like meatballs, so she really did put some thought into it. Hilarious!
Oh, and this was them at around lunchtime. I was sitting in one barstool, so there was only one other one. Maya was in it, but Nikos wanted to get up. Maya said, "It's okay, Niko, you can just sit in my lap!" So... he did! No complaints! It was so... unusual, haha!
(and yes, Maya is wearing water shoes. One of about 10 pairs of shoes she wore throughout the day)
Finally, I just wanted to share that Maya's favorite Christmas song, by FAR, is "Santa Baby." The Eartha Kitt version. She called it "Baby Santa" for a few days, but has now figured it out. She sings a lot of the words and does this little shimmying dance move. I've been trying to catch it on video, with no success so far. But rest assured, it is the CUTEST THING EVER! ack!
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