So, today was kind of terrible! I don't really feel like reliving all of it, but the lowest point was when my car died as the kids and I were on our way back from the RMV. Gus left work right away so he could get us, since the kids could not legally ride in the tow truck. And the tow truck operator was incredibly nice, waiting for Gus to get there before hooking the car up to the truck so that the kids could stay inside, where it was warm. And luckily, this all happened fairly close to our nearest Mazda dealership-- and my car is still under warranty. So it could have been worse. But when the AAA lady asked me where I was, and I wasn't even sure what TOWN I was in? Yeah. I cried. And I just felt emotionally drained after the whole thing.
On the plus side... we had a lovely breakfast at a cute local breakfast place with my new mommy friend and her kids. And Gus picked up a dresser on CraigsList for $50, which is EXACTLY the right color/size for our bedroom. And it's in great condition! Furthermore, my wonderful husband picked up a bottle of wine for me on his way back from getting the dresser. Which is no easy feat here in Massachusetts, since most grocery stores do not carry any sort of alcohol. You have to visit what the locals call a "packey," or "package store" (liquor store). But he went to a packey and got me some wine. Good man!
Also on the plus side, I made a video tour of our house this morning! I thought you might like to see it. Remember that we have a lot of projects planned, and the house is nowhere NEAR unpacked. Or painted/decorated, for that matter! This is sort of a "before" video. And feel free to tune out my dorky narration. Still... there you go! Enjoy!
(and if that doesn't load, try this link)
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