Before I explain what happened, I just want to point out that it is a solid three-hour drive from our house to his house. And the last hour is spent mostly in bumper-to-bumper Los Angeles traffic. Which is why I consider it pretty amazing that Nikos wore underwear and had no accidents the entire way-- both ways!! I didn't pull over once. I had originally planned to stop every hour, but decided to just follow his lead and see what happened. And... he held it! He used the potty pretty much right away when we got out of the car, but had no problems holding it until then.
The rest of the visit was more of the same... He told me (or Grant, or Melissa!) when he needed to use the potty, and he made it in time. No accidents! A highlight was when he was swimming in the pool with Grant, and he suddenly announced that he needed to get out and use the potty. I had just brought his little potty out into the back yard, so he ran over, we got his trunks off, and he peed. And then he went back to swimming, like it was no big deal! And the only thing I had told him beforehand was that going potty in pool was super yucky. That's all it took, apparently, because he got out to pee! HOORAY!!!
Anyway, that was a huge, HUGE success. He's still wearing the pull-up at night, for now, but I think it's safe to say that he is pretty much potty-trained! How awesome is that???
And, just for fun, a few pictures from yesterday. It was a short visit, but the kids had a blast!
Pretending to sleep on the raft (Nikos kept giggling, but he DID close his eyes!)
Shooting hoops in the spa (no heat):
Maya went swimming, too, but I was the one holding her at the time... so this is the only picture I got! :(
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