Well, that's a HUGE overstatement, but I have completed the three day plan, and he is doing REALLY well! Aside from one small accident first thing this morning, our big boy kept his underwear clean all day long, and both peed and pooped in the potty on multiple occasions! Better yet, every single one of these occasions was initiated by him! He'd run to the potty, saying, "I gotta go to the potty," and then he would do his business! Really, I don't think I could possibly be more proud of him. He never ceases to amaze me, that kid!
Today I was much more laid back about things, too. I removed the plastic paint tarps that I had laid down in the living room and his bedroom, brought his soft chair back out for him, and didn't remind him nearly as frequently as before about telling me when he had to go. Honestly, I think that part annoyed him. He knows when he needs to go, and is perfectly capable of telling me, thank-you-very-much! I even left him in his undies for naptime, and he woke up dry (for the third day in a row).
As far as what the future holds, I guess we will just wait and see! He is still wearing a pull-up at night, and doesn't wake up dry. He still needs help getting his underwear off and on, so this will be interesting when you add pants to the mix (he hasn't worn them for the past three days). And he goes to daycare tomorrow. I'm thinking I will send him in a pull-up, along with a bag of extra pull-ups, underwear, and pants, and hope that he tells Bonnie when he has to go. Plus, we have a long car ride on Friday to visit my brother and Melissa. I'm not sure what to do there-- does he wear underwear or a pull-up? I can bring his little potty in the car, but will that work? So many questions, so few answers... And so we begin our journey into the Land of the Semi-Potty-Trained Toddler, haha!!
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