Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day Two

It's still early, but I wanted to share a huge success from this morning!!

Well, today started off with a pee accident, which greatly upset our little big-boy-in-training. But he rebounded quickly. About twenty minutes later, he said, "I need to sit on the sea turtle!" So we ran to the potty, where he sat and passed gas for a few minutes, haha! (yes, I think it's funny... especially because he laughs like crazy and totally enjoys it!) It wasn't exactly a productive visit, per se, but he once again showed me that he was aware of his bodily functions, so we celebrated.

But the BEST part was about 20 minutes after that. He was standing in the entry hall, playing with his cars, when he suddenly froze, looked at me, and said, "Let's go to the sea turtle!" I rushed him there, yanked down his underwear, stuck him on the potty, and he PEED! Like, a LOT! He was so ridiculously proud of himself, and I was proud, too. :) He told me that Thomas, James, and Percy (the trains on his undies) were happy, because they didn't get wet. And then he pointed out that his pee was yellow. And then he informed me that it was having fun "playing in the pool" (his words/idea completely!). And once he flushed the toilet and it began to swirl away, he shouted, "Wheeee! See you later, pee-pee! Have fun in the pool!"

Oh my gosh. He is just too funny. And he is doing really, really well, I think! I had no idea he would be so successful so quickly-- I am thinking he really was ready for this! :)

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